Make Money With Your Money Machine!
It’s common sense to know that the goal of a promotional event is to drive traffic to your booth or business. You’re an expert at selling and educating your customer when they’re in front of you, it’s getting them in front of you for that valuable face-to-face conversation that is the real challenge. This is where promotional event attractions, such as a Cash Cube Money Machine come into play. The very idea of a “Money Machine” appeals to anyone who likes money!
I’m sure we can agree, the most important aspect of a customer’s interaction with your company is that you are able to make them feel good and provide value throughout the interaction. This should happen across the board from face to face conversations with your staff, the food they eat and the experience they have while participating in your promotion.
Depending on your industry and client demographic, creating “fun” isn’t always the easiest or most appropriate task. This is why incorporating a Cash Cube Money Machine at your next event makes so much sense. A Cash Cube Money Machine provides for an entertaining activity with odds of winning (and type of winning) that can be controlled by you. With tough economic times, we have found that people prefer to play games with a guaranteed win, ensuring value for each game interaction. Don’t be fooled however, grabbing those flying bills is harder than it looks!
Some of our clients use the Money Machine in the literal sense, fill it with cash and give contestantsjust a few seconds to grab the flying money. Other clients prefer to fill the Money Machine with vouchers or coupons. We’ve seen clients fill the machine with both real money and coupons/vouchers. You can also jazz up the winners experience by making it into a competition. Most promotional amusement attractions (such as throwing games, darts or basketball) are not easily playable by everyone. A Cash Cube Money Machine provides playability for practically all age groups and demographics.
There is no doubt that utilizing a Cash Cube Money Machine is a great way to attract customers and create excitement. But why is it better than other marketing methods? Money machines make it easy for you to plan in advance because you control the winnings!
About the author: William Hall is a seasoned business coach specializing in branding, social media and promotional events. William has spent his career teaching businesses of all sizes how to stand out in the crowd while using marketing dollars most effectively. His clients are continuously thankful for his out-of-the-box ideas that lead to increased revenue, more clicks and a bigger online presence.